Monday, June 17, 2024


Song Pick: "Danger Zone'' by Kenny Loggins Do you remember reading my blog a few posts back whereby I addressed the issue of every correctional officer not being a bad person? Well,...

Parole Reform For Ohio’s Aging Prison Population, by Billy Warfield

As of January 21st of 2020, the state of Ohio had approximately 48,723 inmates. 6,815 of these inmates are serving life sentences with the possibility of parole. In 2018...

From The Pages of Freedom Fighters, by Mark Blain

Well, readers of the "," I find myself in a rather predicament and needing your assistance, if at all possible. I've been incarcerated for nearly 40-years now. I have been...

“Friends” by Matthew Shepherd

Everyone has friends right? Some people more than others. Some friends are more loyal than others. Some friends need to be comforted more than others. Some friends are the comforters. Friends...

BALANCE, by Greg Andreotti

Well it’s been an insanely busy couple of weeks. If you follow my blog you are well aware of the many group’s I either...

“We are all family” By: Bennie Lackings

I am a little shocked at the fact that a loving person like myself doesn't have a "Best Friend" on the other side of...

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My First Day on Death Row by Tony Enis

I had never been to prison, and now, not only was I going to prison, I was going to death row. The home of men like John Wayne Gacy and the so-called ‘I-57 Killer,’ among others. Up until then, I had only read about such men in newspapers or saw them on television. I never, not even in my worst nightmare, thought I would be counted among them.

Time for Policy to Match the Science by Todd L. Cook

Late adolescence and young adulthood, spanning ages 18 to 25, are critical stages of neurodevelopment. Current policies regarding youthful offenders fail to account for this, resulting in disproportionate sentences and potential constitutional violations. Scientific evidence supports reevaluating punishments for this demographic, emphasizing rehabilitation and reentry into society.

An Educational Narrative, by John (Joni) Salyers

English 1131 "Living Large" * Macro - (Greek/ Macros, Large). * Biotic - (Greek/ Biotikos, Relating to life, or specific life conditions). * Macrobiotics - A method professing...

Risking My Life for 25 Cents by Greg Andreotti

It’s been an interesting week as a SLS (Supportive Living Services) mentor. For those of you who don’t know my job here in prison...

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