Friday, April 26, 2024

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. By, Marcus Ganzie


Respect- is defined as,” A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their, abilities, qualities, or achievements”…
Really??? I think we’ve been using the wrong word all this time!
Because when I say, “I respect somebody”… Especially, just general respect for a person…
How can I have , ” a feeling of deep admiration for someone”???
Admiration- is defined as, “Respect , and warm approval”…
Warm- is defined as, “Having, showing or expressive of enthusiasm, affection or kindness…
When I say I respect somebody, I’m saying that I acknowledge you…
I hear you in the sense of you are my peer and I will treat you as I wanna be treated. Until you show me that I shouldn’t treat you has I want to be treated!!!
That’s what Respect means to me, but that’s NOT what “Respect” means!!!
I think the word we’ve should of been using all this time is significance…
Significance- is defined as, “The quality of being worthy of attention: importance…”
Or what about just…
Just- is defined as, “Based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair”…
I looked at synonyms of the word “respect” , and it directed me to words like honor, esteem, admiration…
Basically, all of the words spoke from a stand point of feelings of admiration, and respect.
In the world of lexicology our “usage” of the word is wrong!!!
Lexicology- is defined as, “The study of the form, meaning and use of words”…
Objectively speaking, a lot of the words I know.
I know from an understanding of conversations, debates, arguments etc…
When I actually look up definitions of words , my understanding wasn’t necessarily right!
As with the titled blog “R.E.S.P.E.C.T.”!
I think that is the case for a lot of people ?
Im pretty sure somebody with a vocabulary more in depth than mines could come up with words more in line with the general understanding of the word!
I Respect the process…

Marcus Ganzie
DOC #1041258


(* My definitions are from The Oxford American College Dictionary 2002 edition… I’m locked up what you expect :)…)

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