Monday, June 17, 2024

Thanks/Praise to God




Elevation…It’s all about: ELEVATION!!!

I’m here as an Iconoclast, to give a new life to & to propel a nation

A Nation that dwells in subjugation

Of Under-educated, immature humans, who stay searching for a way out

But the reality is: How many of us, if released today, would actually stay out?

I know personally over the span of my years,
I am guilty of being convicted of multiple crimes

My first time in the joint, I was 18, and since then I’ve been in prison multiple times

Knowing what it feels like to lose freedom…I don’t want others to have to experience what I have seen, what I have felt, & what I have heard… Unless it through me vicariously

I can look back now & think how silly, how stupid & how hilariously

Hilariously Wrong my mentality once WAS!!!

All I did was smoke marijuana & drink…I stayed buzzed

Passing out almost every night after a whole day of being drunk

I treated my woman–THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! like she was some kind of a punk

I look back now, & I see the trip I was on was: BOGUS & Bunk!

Blinded & delusional…With all the skeletons stacked up in my trunk

I couldn’t man up to face my own junk & realize my s*** really stunk…
now I’m here in a serious funk

Writing to you this poem as I sit up in Stafford Creek on my stainless steel bunk

Everyday I associate with & walk around among the criminally hardened

Murderers, Manipulators, Sociopaths, who have mastered the art of the scandalous: “I just got over on you FOOL!”….Trades & Bargain

We communicate by speaking in this specially crafted Penitentiary Jargon

So my friend I beg of your pardon

If at times I might come of a little abrasive

Or rough around the edges, especially when confronted with skeletons of my past I can be quite evasive

There’s just some realities that a muh f***** just don’t wanna be faced wit

You wish you could just go back in time & erase it

Especially when your actions led to you being caged up like obnoxious primates in a zoo
throwing around they ape s***

Now tell me if you ever see yourself ever going down this common road?

It’s up to us “Convicts” to change the Culture of prison & the “Convict Codes”

When they gonna see that all facades of being a “Gangsta” quickly erodes?

They need to quit tryin to be too “Hard”

With their “Gangsta” limps… Knowing full well that on the streets they was clucks smoking Wet or Shards

They need to keep it real….And let down their guard

We all need to stand up against & abandon the politics…Along with all the stupid attempts to pull another grown man’s card

My friend I’ll tell you that: What it all boils down to is: “It’s really the most insecure, cowardly & the lame

Who seek to “Check paperwork” seek to exploit someone & hurt someone in order to get a lil penitentiary fame

These childish men think life is all jokes, all laughs & all just a game
but in the end–We are all just pretty much the same

What do they really get out bringing another grown man shame?

They think they’re big, bad & tough because they ran another grown man’s name in the dirt

We all eat the same food, wear the same ole recycled hand me down State Ish jeans & shirts

We all share the same ole recycled hand me down State Ish khakis & sweats

We all sit on our gray mattresses & stainless steel bunks trying to escape reality by numbing our minds with “Reality” TV trying to forget about a life full of regrets

Regardless of the differences in: Races, Cultures, Religions, crimes, modis operandi, Gangs & Sets…

It ain’t no one above nobody…
everybody think they special, but regardless…
Ain’t nobody walking out that front gate
until they release date

For now, all we can do in the meantime & the inbetween time is: Sit idly & wait & wait & wait

Do our best to avoid these Con Artists, Snakes & Cheapskates

Feeling low as we watch cops bring BBQ chicken from home, eatin cheesecake smiling/gloating in our faces while they finish off the plate

Now he talking about: “Man offender, that was great…”

“You wish you had some didn’t you? I wish I could give you a bite…But you gonna be at home someday eatin good like this too…Ain’t that right?”

All the while in the midst of wanting to take it out on the cops, we turn on each other… Angry, fed up–we continue to fight

While we continue to narrow our sight…These evil & oppressive cops use pepper spray, handcuffs & the threat of loaded AR-15’s to flex their might

It don’t matter if you Black, Mexican, Asian or White

When the war pops off…Man it’s all on sight/site

And anyone who chooses not to partake… They gonna be dealt with by a missile from their own “Car”

These is the living conditions people choose when they signed up to be apart, now the so called: “Homies” expect everyone to be on/up to “Par”

We all know there’s rules & standards their homies expect everyone to follow

And if they can’t oblige, they find themselves being outcasted & get swallowed

Then they only got 1 option: there is 2 places for them to go: It’s either the infirmary or protective custody…Both is especially made for the drop outs because this is what he gets

Trying way too hard to impress fools who he thinks care about him, but they NEVER EVER gave a s***

All in their quest to prove that they was legit

Now they realize they are stuck in a battle that just ain’t ever gonna quit

So when their throats get slit… Or when they get rattled by them mitts

What? Are they gon tattle? Or they gon man up & fight back

Chances are if there ain’t no separate Tee, then they both gon go to seg for hot minute…Then— they both gon be right back

So is it gon be heads again?
They gon run that?
Or they gon walk away?

Sittin up in the hole with no distractions, with no TV, with no jp5, & with no dominoes…In those darkest hours cats turned to God & prayed

But as soon as cats hit mainline again, they forgot about it all & flocked back to the same old way

And where is that? It’s astray…
on the path of ignorance

Thinking that’s the “Code of Conduct” for a “Convict” even though it really ain’t…But that don’t make no difference

We are taught to follow, flow with & believe in tainted values created by instigators with not a single hint of sense

So why do very few of us ever man up, grow up & question the established precedence?

I think it’s because of FEAR!!! & the need to be protected cause members of these gangs can’t stand alone

They will fall & be another man’s b**** if left on their own

I know it sounds harsh, but it’s oh so true indeed

We have to learn how to separate ourselves, & not be dependent on these gangs/cars to fulfill our needs

Being too obviously needy & codependent in this environment is a weakness that’s sets a man up to be taken advantage of… He will always be exploited, it all starts with the manipulator’s little seed

Next you know, the followers get drawn in, thinking they can really follow, accept & live by the creed

But in reality: It just ain’t in them…
They should be on the school floor getting an education, or getting GED & learning how to add, write & read

I’d encourage cats to leave the day room, leave the dominoes, leave the pinochle, leave the spades, leave the chess, leave the gambling & all the madness/chaos that it breeds

Then I guarantee that in the long run you’ll feel better about yourself & regain your dignity & self esteem

We all should align ourselves with positive influences & a good support team

Of people who are going places & gonna contribute productively to society when they get out

Then one day we can all look back at the past & tell ourselves: “NEVER EVER AGAIN will I go down that ole route!!!”

Don’t we all have kids, a family, or a girl whom we give a crap about?

Well then my guy, let’s show them that you not only love them, but that you also LOVE YOU!
Take good care of yourself!!!

Thanks for your time my friends!

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Jonathan Gordon
DOC #793350

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