Monday, June 17, 2024



Thanks/Praise to God

Part 1:

This is part of a speech President Obama gave on 3-31-2016:

At our country’s core is a basic belief in the inherent dignity of every person. Too many women & men of all ages suffer the outrage that is sexual assault, & too often, this crime is not condemned as loudly as it should be.

Together, we must stand up & speak out to change the culture that questions the acts of the victims, rather than those of their attackers.

As their relatives, friends, neighbors, & fellow Americans, it’s on us to support victims & survivors by providing then with the care they need, bringing perpetrators to justice, & ensuring our institutions are held responsible & do not look the other way.

This month, we reaffirm our commitment to shift the attitudes that allow sexual assault to go unanswered & unpunished, & we redouble our efforts to prevent this human rights violation from happening in the first place.

Preventing sexual assault begins with everyone getting involved in promoting healthy relationships & encouraging respect for the equality of others.

For decades, Vice President Joe Baden has brought unmatched passion to this cause, working to pass the Violence Against Women Act in the Senate more than 2 decades ago, & continuing to fight today to transform the way we think & talk about sexual assault.

In 2014, we launched the “It’s On Us” campaign-an initiative that had worked with over 300 college campuses & engaged hundreds of thousands of people around our country who hce taken a pledge to stand up & speak out to express moral outrage for this intolerable crime.

We launched the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault that year as well, which continues to offer recommendations for how we can all contribute to a society that adequately prevents & responds to sexual assault.

My administration is taking action to eliminate sexual assault in every corner of our country.

This year we announced new grants available for the National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative…

Thanks for your time!!!



This next article I borrowed from KCRG-TV9 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Some of it was edited by me & put in my own words:

According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, 1 in 5 girls & 1 in 20 boys are victims of sexual abuse.

Survivor Ricky was abused from age 10 to 14 by a male family friend.

He said: “You don’t understand the impact of something like that because it tears every wall of safety down that you’ve ever known. You question every relationship that you’re ever in.”

“I was told: ‘I’ll kill you if you tell anyone, or I’ll kill your parents if you tell anyone.’ My mother went to her grave never knowing, because I felt it was my fault. Here you are a kid, & you’re not doing anything but being a kid, & someone in a sense breaks your wing & you can’t fly anymore.”

“I remember sitting down & writing a letter to my cousin back in Georgia, & I remember telling her ‘I can’t.’ She knew what was going on, but I remember telling her, ‘I can’t deal with this anymore'”

“It’s not my fault that this happened. It took me years to finally admit that & say it is not my fault. I didn’t ask for this to happen, but how I go on from now that dictates the man I am.”

“Go tell somebody, yell it to the top of the mountain, no one has that right to take that innocence from you, no one has that right to take your childhood away.”

Sexual Assault Advocate Ashley Schmuecker said: “A lot of survivors feel very overwhelmed & scared, so having a support person there with you through the process can be really beneficial.”

Thanks for your time!!!



5 things you can do this April:

More than 225,000 people are sexually assaulted in the USA a year.

1) REACH OUT TO A LOVED ONE. It ‘s never too late to let a survivor in your life know that you care…
The National Sexual Assault Hotline can also provide you with confidential help 24 hours a day, every day of the week @
also online @RAINN01 #ActWitRAINN


3) VOLUNTEER. Looking to donate your time? There are so many ways you can get involved in your community: Volunteer for you local rape crisis center or the Online Hotline or get involved on your campus.

4) GET SOCIAL. With a “share” or “RT” you can educate your networks about sexual violence prevention & recovery!

5) JOIN THE #SPEAK4RAINN15 CAMPAIGN. You can help survivors by sharing about the 15th anniversary of “Speak”, the acclaimed novel by Laurie Halse Anderson.

Sign up for RAINN’s Email newsletter:

Thanks for your time!!!

Jonathan Gordon
DOC #793350

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