Monday, June 17, 2024

FAMILY (part 2)


I was reading this Sports Illustrated from May of this year, right. In it, it had an article about some NBA players & their mothers. It was actually quite touching, it made me think of my own mother. My mother is such a wonderful person, she is the one who holds the family together & she is very strong, very loving, very caring, & she is very family oriented. She keeps in contact with most of her family members, lucky for us, no one outside of her parents have died on her side of the family. All her brothers, sisters, neices, nephews are alive, I am not sure about all of her cousins but I know some of them are alive. Longevity runs on both sides of my family. My point being is that recently, a very close female friend of mine’s mother died on the 1st of this month, it made me realize once again, the mortality of my own mother. I think of mom a lot & I miss both of my parents a lot, the time we spend talking on the phones, the visits they can make when they come are a blessing, they are good, but not enough. Fortunately my parents are in excellent health, they are in better health than most people my age, because my dad is a health fanatic & he regulates their diets & they walk. My mom is a good person, she has always gone out of her way & gone the extra mile to please her kids. She is very generous & one thing I realize, when she has given me advice, whether I listened to it or not, whether I argued with her or not, she never lied to me & she was always right. My mom is the type of person that calls her kids to remind them to keep appointments & reminds them when things have to be done & if you don’t take care of responsibilities, she will get upset & disappointed & will grill us about it…..

Jonathan Gordon
DOC #793350

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