Monday, June 17, 2024



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This for me is an simple answer. My greatest blessing is finding the love of my life. She was under my nose for 17+yrs. I didn’t realize it until just recently.

She has been my rock, my saving grace. When darkness came into my life, she was the light that saved me. Pulled me from the depts.

She was always there to give me encouraging words. Always letting me know that everything will be ok. Never once did she waver. Always steady and strong.

This woman i have is something special. A treasure that the world has missed. So beautiful inside and out.
This is my blessing. This is my saving grace.

Blessings come in many shape and sizes. For me it was the love of my life. For you it might be something as simple as ” how are you doing, are you ok”?

Having someone who cares enough to even ask if you are doing ok does wonders to a person.

When was the last time someone took their time and asked you if you are ok? Asked if everything is alright?

To have someone who even notice that you are hurting inside means the world. Not everyone has that person. That someone who took the time to notice you are not yourself today.

That is a blessing. What more can a person ask for? What more does anybody need?

People in my position would do anything to have someone like that. I was fortunate enough to have one.

I definetly don’t take it for granted because i understand take life is a gift and our love ones are a blessing.

Take the time to be thankful. Take the time to express your gratitude. Life is to short to not count your blessings.

Take care social media.

John Phet
DOC #843064

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