Monday, June 17, 2024

Black Lives Matter? by Dennis Carter Jr.


As you see I put a question mark behind this phrase I hear over and over and over again! My question is does it really or only matters when when something happens to a black person that everyone in the world can get a little recognition of there down fall or do “BLM” only when someone’s down fall allows you to release the pint up rage that’s brewed for years inside and now you have a opportunity to let it out with a little repercussion because you have something to scream and use as a safety net while you commit a crime so you say BLM..

If so many cared about black lives why is the fight not the same for people that will not bring you the same attention and shine as a dead black person..

What about those lost there life do to the broken justice system what about those who been preyed upon by the justice system because they have no money and poor/little families or little education what about those who are INNOCENT and CHANGED! Do you understand why I question does Black Lives really matte? I lost my life at the age of 18 and will be 33 soon for a crime I did NOT commit, I was the youngest of the three by nearly 10 years and didn’t have a gun while the shooter only served 12months. I’ve wrote more people than you could imagine trying to get someone to hear and understand the justice system doesn’t believe in Black Lives even when there’s evidence! I’ve been beat by the people that suppose to protect me but they don’t care, I’ve been beat by inmates and stabbed 5 times even hit with a lock.. I’m just a number to them! I have no way to make the world shine I’m not dead yet but I’m on the way because I haven’t hear from one person to assure that BLACK INNOCENT LIVES MATTER and that my UNJUSTICE will be heard..

These are my accomplishments just no I didn’t let the wrong defeat me but made me stronger and smarter. I’ve received my G.E.D also currently enrolled in college, completed several trades, custodian maintenance, safe serve, OSHA, I’m a skilled painter. I’ve received several letters from top faculty! I am proud to say I’m my own boss YES MY OWN BOSS I’m a proud business owner of Flips Consulting Firm(LLC) that is registered with the state of Virginia that is currently employing 9 of our fellow Virginians and allow single mothers and striving men thr opportunity to become there own boss. I have colleges in California, I’ve been a positive voice in the midst of wrong..Yes I’m a Black man that is INNOCENT and a Black man that has GREW and 14 years hasn’t been a waste! No one seems to hear my cry! Do you hear me now I’m a man now and not afraid to ask for help! Especially me! I’m a husband, a father, a son, a friend, a mentor, and a people need me, my community needs me!

I’ve had a Conditional Pardon that’s been pending for 3 years and the person who committed the crime finally had the heart to speak the truth..I AM ALIVE AND I WANT MY BLACK LIFE TO MATTER!

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  1. May God bless you Dennis. There is hope as long as you live. Grab every opportunity you have to be happy. Each and every people’s life matters. Make yours worthy in God and in people’s eyes. Thank you.

  2. It’s not the end of the world yet Dennis. You can still live your life to the fullest, only that you had years spent wasted in prison. Just forget the past and move on to your brighter future.

  3. Yo, Dennis, you are relaying the type of situation that it is hard to find words for, son. I pray often for my lot in life. I am aware that just to be alive is a blessing, even tho at times it is difficult to recognise. Like, say, when i get my fortnightly cheque and before i have time to pay the bills and get the shopping in, i have gone through my dough in the night. Two weeks of self hating, depression, hunger, guilt, etc. Thankfully it does not happen often as i cope a lot better nowadays. Oh, i smoke crack, unfortunately, tho i dont do it daily, i am reclusive in nature, so no money no smoke. Anyway, life can be shit, but life is blessed, check, you are entitled to want to be so angry at the world, the system, the lack of anybody to even listen to you. I reckon you aint. If you had money i bet you could get justice. States, is so racist, its like a mega hatred for blacks i mean how many black men are gunned down by fed over there. The only life that matters is the one that somehow got a little media attention. I mean how many u think are going through your situation. Nobody gives a toss. The media is bought, the system is designed to fill jails, longterm. Contracts are worth dough to get products made and pay a pittance. Full towns are in existence only while jails are full. Lobbyists in Washington work hard to ensure longer sentences for nothing crimes. Private jails is big business. The system is broke Dennis. How can they have no empatthy for your situation. I hate you are going through tough times but hey, you are still here reaching out, you are built to last ni, and you will. Hit me up if i can do owt to help. Meanwhile stay positive. Your mind is a genius of a creation. Think Denis. Use your mind to tell yourself u will be free. Manifest that shit bro. Believe that shit, tell yourself morning and night. Make it happen man, u really can. Stay up.

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