Monday, June 17, 2024

Being Grandma By: Tammy Dodd


I haven’t been on in awhile for good reason. I have 2 new members in my family. First came my Grandson, Johnathan and then my Great-Granddaughter Zoey! Johnathan was born on
4-26-18 and he wasn’t due til June 1st, so he is a little fellow. My daughter-in-law had to have a c-section and and did not wake up for a week. They are thinking she either had a stroke and/or was alergic to the anestheisa. She will still have to have alot of therpy and the baby has to grow alot before he can go home. I am wondering if anyone has heard of this? Has it happened to anyone you know? My Granddaughter, Kody on the other hand done well, she had Zoey with no problems and was at home the next day. This has been alot to deal with this past week and a half. I know that Jesus is the healer and the God of miracles!!! I thank God so much for the blessings in my life and for showing up at Christy’s beside, just like I knew He would!!
I am so happy and at such peace now that everyone is alright. Ya’ll have a wonderful Sunday!!

Tammy Dodd
DOC #559586

  1. I take longer than normal to wake up from anesthesia……but only like less than half a day so I’m not sure it’s the same thing or not. Has not affected me but I’ve only been under twice.

  2. Congratulations, Tammy 🙂 I pray to God for His comfort to reign in your heart and the household of lil Johnathan, amidst all that you must be going through. And yes, our Lord is a God of miracles. I pray to Him that you will all come through this singing songs of joy. God bless you all…

  3. Aww, congratulations, Grandma! A new baby in the family is always such a blessing- and you got two almost at once 🙂 I will be praying for your daughter-in-law’s recovery. The care for premature babies has improved so much in recent years, so hopefully they will be able to give Johnathan lots of help on his way. Bless you all, lots of change all round. Now get out of that prison- you’ll need to babysit 😉

  4. I adore reading your blogs! Congrats too on the little ones 🚼🚼…..Praying for Zoey and Johnathan…..and of course dad, mom’s and grandma’s!! You’ll be out just in time for the teribt two’s…lol…but I bet they will not be do terrible!!

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