Monday, June 17, 2024

Where Does It Come From? by Matthew Epperson


Inspiration. What makes a song inspiring? Or a book provocative? Or a piece of art touching? Does is come from subliminal messages sent by the creator? Is it the way things sound? What is inspiration? The Merriam-Webster dictionary says that it is the act or power of moving the intellect or emotions.

Where do you get inspired? Not ideas or help, but what moves your intellect? Mine might seem like an obvious choice, music, and rightfully so, but where I get real inspiration if from moving and being outside. Walking or exercising outdoors allows me to feel liberated, and not because I’m in prison. This method of inspiration has been with me since I was a child. I usually find myself in a rythym while I’m walking that is set by how I’m feeling. Then, if I’m up for it, I toss some chord progressions or lyrics around in my head to see how it sounds. I don’t listen to music when I exercise/walk because I want to be open for business; so to speak. I love music, and I’ve played instruments for 16 years, but it can be a distraction. Sometimes, I even get inspiration from laying silently in the dark.

Email me on the jpay and let me know what your inspirations are. Maybe I can get some new ideas from you all.

Go see something live!!

Matthew Epperson
DOC #284812

  1. Sometimes I get inspired by Pinterest but most of the time I write about things that relate to my current circumstances or what I’m going through. Sometimes I’m writing to vent but most times I’m writing to encourage others.

  2. TED talks always give me some inspiration as well as reading other peoples blogs. I’m studying a life coaching course at the moment and my learnings from that inspire me to share what I learn with others.

  3. I understand motion. It is inspiring to me. I feel the planet spin, the waves relentlessly being tossed from one coast to another. The wind blowing about me, upon me. And because everything is communicated throughout the universe in waves, I try to get as close to them as possible. When at a concert, I like to be the one having my hair and clothes pushed back by the sound waves.
    Enjoy the waves Matthew.

  4. This is probably a dumb question, but what is the jpay address ? I’ve seen it mentioned in other Inmate Blogger posts too. As for inspiration – I get it from so many different things. Stuff I read, things I see, people I talk to, nature…..

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