Monday, June 17, 2024

The New Love by Matthew Epperson


The title of this blog, ‘The New Love’, isn’t really new at all. Actually, the love I’m talking about I’ve had for a long time. I just never recognized it. It is the love of creating. When a creation is made, it is new; hince, the nex love.

I’m in love with creating. It is a Godlike attribute given to all of us in millions of different forms. Mine, if you didn’t know already, is music and writing, which are kind of one in the same. When you love something you practice it and get better at it even when it’s more burdensome than appeasing. Why? Because it is the only satisfaction of its kind. Since beginning my writing journey (career?), and working on my book, A Splendid Compromise, I have been on a rollercoaster ride of love, hatred, doubt, disgust, and infatuation with my creations. Same goes for music. They are bittersweet because they are demanding. But, do you want to know something? I’m unbelievably thankful that I’ve come to prison! I

I have a dream of making writing and music a legitimate career fro when I’m released. Starting now, as you can tell, I’m building a fan base. It’s probably small and insignificant right now, but I believe over time (the next 9 years of my incarceration) it will grow and flourish so that upon my release, I’ll have a ‘book fan base’ expectantly awaiting the music I have instore for them. Exciting stuff!!! =)

Go see something live!!

Matthew Epperson
DOC #284812

  1. There is a greater art than many expect, in the ability to communicate with others. Yes, you see it now in your writing, and if you play well, you’ll feel it in the notes. But to be able to honestly address someone through speaking, is an art of itself. I feel all three are a critical balancing act we must seek out and practice daily.
    As the others have said, great attitude Matthew. Best to you.

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