Monday, June 17, 2024

“Real Friend” by Fayvun Manning (Ffmb Eae(Bey)


It has not been a total lonely road for me, but it has been lonely! 20 years stright and I still have’nt found my friend. I’ve looked up and I’ve looked down, I’ve even looked over and around, and still I have’nt found my friend.
Somebody I can do everything with, share a meal with, go places with, chew bubble gum and pop bubbles with, hell even somebody I can take a s#it with, somebody I can truely say I did that with.
I ran into a few so called friends, but now I look around and nobodys around. By myself! I wish I had started this bid off like that, but no everybody wonted to misuse and abuse my abilities and my realness, for what? Their own upliftment, I was the pleasure and did’nt even know it.
A real friend, someone who I can speak the truth with, grow and unfold to show the flower with is what I seek! True to me as I AM true to them. Dont stab me in the back I know that will hurt I would rather not have spent a day with you than, take a chance of being talked about behind my back.
I AM my own friend until I come across that one person that I can do everything with, that will be the day. To find my soul mate, I wonder how that feels, how will that be for a person like me. Who knows, I may never get that chance to find that FRIEND. I AM just your Brother comming in love and leaving in peace and light

Fayvun Manning #68174
El Dorado Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 311
El Dorado, Kansas 67042
Ffmb Bey(Eae)

Love to my family the has been there my whole bid, 20 plus years stright no release ‘ffmb’ “FREE FAYVUN MANNING BEY BEY”
‘EAE’ “exhibit-A-enterprize”
U&I(uplifting a nation incorporation)

Fayvun Manning
DOC #68174

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