Monday, June 17, 2024

Please Show Support For Inmate Blogger



Inmate Blogger is ready to become the worldwide leader in inmate blogging. We want to give EVERY inmate the opportunity to have a voice through this platform. Blogging is such a positive alternative when compared to all the misconduct that goes on within prison.  Writing is a great activity that promotes rehabilitation, growth, and healing.

We have over 700 inmates and over 4100 blog posts so far. We do not charge the men any kind of fee for blogging here on Inmate Blogger. We volunteer our time and give our hearts to this prison writing project.

Please take a moment to visit our GoFundMe campaign:

WHY WE NEED FUNDS:  To pay for stamps to email inmates (each email costs 1 estamp). For marketing and advertising. For web design. For domain name renewals. For a PO Box. For email software. And for all other business expenses related to up keeping this site.

Please help us reach our goal so that we can give more inmates a voice. They will benefit so much by being able to write here on Inmate Blogger. Spread the word by sharing this GoFundMe campaign with your friends & family, and you can also visit our DONATIONS page.

Thank you.

Every little bit helps.
Your support means so much!


Steven & Suzie Jennings


    • Thank you so much for providing this. To be honest, my son who’s an inmate in Idaho at the moment just called me and was pretty excited to tell me about the blog he wrote. I have to admit as he was telling me about it I was waiting to hear how much $ it was going to cost me. I help my son as much as I can, but we’ve lost $ more than once on various mail scams, needless to say I was skeptical. I’m looking forward to reading the blogs and comments. I’m sure the other inmates who are bogging are just as excited as my son is to have a voice and perhaps another ear to listen to him aside from mine. Thank you. God be with you.

  1. Thanks for introducing me to this. Blogging is such a wonderful way to connect, vent and heal. May it bring some hope and healing to those in prison. I appreciate you checking out my blog too. Thank you.

  2. I will have a look-see at the donations page!
    I’m immediately struck with the concept of this blog!
    Here’s an idea.
    I enter short story writing competitions, in the hope of some day getting published.
    I’d like to help a few of your contributors to do the same. Here’s a link to an Irish competition.

    If you have any interest then why don’t we chat about me sponsoring a few entries?

  3. […] *Blast it to your peeps on social media. (FACEBOOK & TWITTER) *Print out our FLYER and post some in your community. *Encourage inmates to blog. Their friends & family will follow them. (Submitting Blogs) *Submit Inmate Blogger to news outlets as a hot topic. *Visit our GoFundMe page (Please Show Support For Inmate Blogger) […]

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