Monday, June 17, 2024





Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) violated muslims rights by denying them the right to got to Jumu’ah (Friday services) and the Eed Feasts. (eed al fitr is a feast after the month of ramadaan, and eed al adha is to commemorate when Prophet Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son to show his obedience to God, but instead when he was about to cut him, God commanded Abraham to sacrifice an animal instead).

In 2009 there was a lawsuit filed by Muslims & Seventh-day Adventists that MDOC was violating the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons ACT, and the 14th amendment under the equal protection act, and the 1st amendment.

In May 2013, the district court granted summar judgment to the people who filed the lawsuit, the order of relief said that the people have the right to: “attend, congregate for, observe and celebrate the Eid ul-fitr and Eid ul-Adha feasts…” MDOC must let the people who are in prisons: “be released from work or school assignments to attend group religious services and approved holy day observances.”

In July of this year (2015) the district court wote it’s “satisfied that the MDOC is complying with the terms of the settlemen agreement, the only food allowed at the Eid Feasts would be donated from outside sources. Prisoners receive their regular meals those two days so MDOC does not provide a special meal to celebrated the Eid feasts.”

Relief under the class action is available to anyone who got in trouble for: “(a)request to attend or attendance at a religious service which conflicted with work, school or administratice detail due to a conflicting religious service.”

The legal director of ACLU of Michigan said: “The government may not deprive Americans of their fundamental right to practice their religion, even when they are in prison, thanks to this groundbreaking case, Muslim prisoners will no longer be forced to eat food that violates their principles and they won’t be punished for joining weekly prayers or celebrating important religious holidays.”

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Jonathan Gordon
DOC #793350

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