Wednesday, May 8, 2024

INTRODUCTION BLOG, by Jason B. Thompson


Who I am is jus as complicated a question as how I am, can’t say why that is, believe me, I’ve wondered myself, even wished I cud be more of a simplier man. Perhaps its my Greek blood line, my quick and curious mind, or maybe my overly active imagination, but when sum one asks me how I’m feeling, or how I’m doing, I in turn ask myself that same question, and therein lies the adventure.

So, I write about those adventures, mostly in poetic form, but, sum times in a journal slash diary type structure. Both of which I find to be natural and very satisfying for myself and my audience. Depending on when and where u knew me, is what name u’d know me by. Nowadays, ppl call me J.T., a name I picked up about 15 yrs ago from a cell mate of mine who was a drug dealer from Detroit, a name my girl friend has never called me, not even once. On my utube channel, where there are several videos of me performing poetry, I am known as JT The Poet. In my Moma’s house, as on the TEDX stage, I am known as Jason. And finally, on the stages around this prison where I spit competitively at the annual poetry slams, they call me Champ.

I try not to keep count, but, I’ve been on lock down coming up on 26 yrs now. Having more yrs in here then I do out there, is an accomplishment more embarrassing then a badge of honor. Been here since I was a jus turned 18 year old nice kid, playing in a game where I didn’t know it was one strike, and I’m out….for life.

For the last, lets say ten yrs or so, I’ve been getting the mos odd responses from the ppl, both those living in here with me and those I’ve met who live out there with u. They say things to me like, “ur different from the other long term offenders I’ve met” or “I thought u jus came off the streets” or “u give off the vibe of a cat who is going home soon”….and I think to myself, jus keep saying it, maybe if enough ppl say it, it’ll come true. Right? I’d probably believe in jus about ne thing promising to bring me home, u might too if u were serving 105 yrs to Life.

I don’t expect ppl to get what its like to have been given a living death sentence, or how to live on, go on, get excited about frankly ne thing and not let himself turn into a disgruntled, bitter old man, but, rather to be as up beat and smiling as I am, to care, to give, to want, to dream….to hope. Even I can’t explain it to myself and believe me, I’ve tried. Nor can I give more then an honest shrug of the shoulder when sum one else ask me how I do it, how I’ve done it. Maybe thats why ppl say the things about me they do? At least those good things I’ve spoke of here, Lord knows there’s an equally amount of bad things being said about me cos of the way I am, or the way I am not, depends on how u want to look at it. As for me, I jus keep repeating my mantra, “ONE DAY”.

In the mean time, ne questions, comments or responses, u can hit me up on JPAY.COM, hope u enjoy reading my stuff.

Jason B. Thompson
DOC #257-630


  1. Be encouraged and serve Him! It’s awesome when people look at you and say, “You’re different – there’s something about you that is different, and it’s a good thing.”

  2. Love your videos, you are an amazing poet. Spoken word. Blown away. So raw, unfiltered emotion, I really connected with your work. Such authenticity. Keep writing, keep making videos!

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