Monday, June 17, 2024

Snaptura Prison Consulting and Inmate Services

State Sanctioned Murder — 40 Years into its Conclusion by Alexander Cameron

Back in June of 1987, Alexander "Cameron", an innocent black man, was deliberately and conspiratorially convicted for the rape of a person whom is of the Blood Type "O." However, Cameron, has just recently discovered the alleged victim in his case -- a person by the name of Ellin Walsh -- whom accused and took the witness stand against Cameron, at trial, is of the Blood Type: "B-Negative."

When Does Forgiveness Begin and Dehumanization Stop by Kenneth M. Key

Do you hate us so much, that you won't forgive us? Is it wrong to look for someone who can provide a glimmer of hope? What will it take for us, who have been deemed lepers inside and out, to truly be restored? Please, I await your answer. For I among the many would love for the healing to begin.

Meet Kenneth M. Key, MARJM

Meet Kenneth M. Key. Everyone calls him Ananyah (which means the Covering of YAH). He wants people to read his writings and know he is not his past, nor the sum-total of his environment. He's an artist, poet and now a writer. Line paper has become his new canvas; like painting, it allows him to correct the narratives, so falsely presented to the public, about people in custody.

How I See It by Demar Nelson

I've been walking and dreaming in prison for a long time. 15 years to be exact. And it amazes me how much I misunderstood the seriousness of life and now my mission is to get it back. At the age of 21 I stood before a judge and from the bench he looked at me but didn't "SEE" me. Seeing me would have meant thinking of my past, my parents, my traumas, what led me to him. But the system does not allow that.

Why Do Officers Reward Those Who Act Out? by Daniel Patrykus

I got transferred since my last installment. Went from a medium to a Max security. A disciplinary transfer, they call it. But honestly, I'm better off here. The officers treat us with more respect in a max compared to a medium. The food tastes better, and more of a serving. TV channels are better. Why, you may ask, would a max be "better" than a medium?

KAORI-NO-KAMI (Fragrance of Gods): Why A Spiritual Life? by Eva Reeves

It is not necessary to live a spiritual life. One can just as well live a material life only and be done with it. There is no problem. They live and they die and that is the end of it. Sayonara. But others sense that there must be more to life than just that. They have a natural inclination to discover what else there must be to life, and either they go out in search of it or it comes to them on its own.

Going Soft by Joel Aaron Burrell

Are legal organizations going soft? The answer depends on who's answering the question. Yes, say prisoners. This is due to legal organizations rarely interested...

Progress And Purpose, Even In Prison by Robert Shafer

The year was 2000. I was 10 years into the mess I had created, 7 years into fighting a death sentence I asked for (hold that thought, a future blog will cover this). I was talking with my Mother (who passed in October, 2022), known to us as Mama, and she asked me, "Robert, what do you do?" Mama was French, born and raised in France, only coming to America the first time in 1955, and even 45 years later her thick French accent was pronounced.

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