Monday, June 17, 2024

by John Mcconnell


Here I am
Hey ladies of the blog I am back! I havent really been writing at all and I was “talking to” someone for a few months but it was never anything exclusive to begin with I just gave her the respect because I thought it may grow into something and it just did not so I guess it just stayed in “the friend zone” lmfao. It just cracks me all the way up how some ladies wanna keep me on the back burner because I am currently incarcerated…. Im not gonna be in here forever I do know that and Im thinking I am gonna be out there a lot more sooner than later too and let me tell you that I absolutely cannot wait. I cannot wait to be so loyal to whoever has been loyal to me in my down time and I cannot wait to treat the vast majority of people the same way they treated me at the very time when I needed them most. Most everyone I know has completely turned their back on me and it hurts but guess what I get over it I am A BIG BOY! I do my best to be strategic and think about my actions and never act on emotion any longer. One of these days while Im doing this lil time MRS. RIGHT is gonna come into my life when I least expect it and she is gonna automatically know that I M the MR. RIGHT she has always sought after and her and I shall make thousands upon thousands of dollars while doing very little THEN Imma get out and we will enjoy the fruits of our not-so-much-labor TOGETHER! When you see my picture Mrs. Right – YOU WILL KNOW! Im waiting on you baby…..

John R. Mcconnell #a731-514
WCI (ohio) P.o. box 120
LebaNON, OH 45036 or
Jpay Systems ohio site number 86
talk to you soon!

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