Friday, April 26, 2024




DON’T turn your temporary solution into a permanent problem,
IT’S the smallest things in life that can solve them,
WE know the price of everything,
BUT when it comes down to values it seems like we don’t know a thing,
IN seeking for acceptance we always find pain,
INSTEAD of holding tight to the smallest little things,
AND enjoying the love that it brings,
WE rather go up into smoke with the fling.

When in a negative situation and we do not take advantage at that moment it can cause permanent damage,
YOU can be the man who eat or get ate like a sandwich,
NO one seems to care for the smallest things in life,
LOVE and respect is what transform the little things into being nice.

THINGS people do for me make me stand out in the crowd,
BUT the smallest things that’s unrecognized also makes me proud,
Hugs,kisses and laughter or just being polite,
ENCOURAGES me to always shine my light even more bright.

Its bogus that people let the smallest things that makes us happy go unnoticed,
YET the smallest things can have the biggest impact,
HELL a blind man can see that,
BUT u got to have a big heart with good intentions to know that,
SO stop telling your God how big your problems is,
AND start telling those small situations and those everyday problems,
LIFE is to short cause everyday we are on a timer,
PROBLEMS and situations we come across is miner,
IF there’s any thing I can say to help someone else find there way,
Then today has been a great day…

Most of the time it’s just the smallest little things we do that can change how someone else react…

peace to the true and living

DOC #720-786

  1. You are reaching out
    To help your fellow man.
    You are doing the job
    The very best you can.
    And it is in the smallest
    Of all the things we do
    That help is found for others.
    So thanks, from me to you!

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