Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Identity Crisis, by Sean Brown


What does it mean to lose a sense of Your Self? How does one manage to lose sight of the reality of one’s Self?? In order to understand the solution, it’s extremely important to realize that the whole difficulty begins with not Knowing one’s Self to begin with. Typically We tend to identify with what We think is the best image that We can project. Therefore, We tend to identify Our Selves with trends, popular vernacular, ideals, & opinions that line up with the images We have of who We should be, as well as the people We’re around. With this being such a common theme among most people, it seems to Me that it’ll be extremely difficult for Us to hold on to who We truly are while continuing to identify with false notions which ebb & flow with the majority’s whims.
Loving Self, having Self-worth & high Self-esteem aren’t quantifiable analytics which can be measured or posted. So, instead of understanding Our innate qualities or unique characteristics, vices, & virtues, We depend on likes, followers, & other measuring sticks which We can compare to other people. Our Society has steadily become (more & more) a “comparison-culture”. Individual merit gets based on how it compares to the views & deeds of others. Rather than looking @ One’s own Journey & seeing the challenges faced, obstacles overcome, & accomplishments achieved, We focus on how Our lives stack up against a standard of worth set by people who usually don’t know Us, or who don’t know Our story.
Validation must come from within or else it will always be fleeti like the the wind. We can’t live Our lives on stand-by for “stamps of approval” from others. That’s no way to live. That’s shackling Self to the whims & fancies of the masses, being enslaved by external points-of-view. How many of Your opinions are truly Your own? Think about it. How many actions do You take simply because You believe that type of behavior is expected of You?
Contemplate this for a little while. What’s the basis for most of the opinions You hold? Why do You believe what You believe about others, & more importantly about Your Self??

DOC #1083630

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