Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Hi, this is Prison Life by Frank Williams


sorry for the delay between my blogs, but please allow me to continue my story. each day is long and the nigths are even longer, I try to deal with my situation the best I can , day by day ,moment by moment. and after many years of this Prison Life, I had a good chance to work on myself and try to do some positive things for others, I was able to participate in some community service projects, I helped make quilts and clothing items for The Genesis House , The Valor Home for the Veterans, Kid’s in the Loop, Trinity United Methodist Church, and many more community service partners over the years, I share my testimony at church and any time I get the opportunity to talk with some of the younger men in here, I also try to stay in contact with my family, especially my children. I have 2 daughters and 1 son .I love and miss them so much and I pray that God will allow me the chance to come home and be the father I should have been. this Prison Life will really make you step back and take a good look at you’re life and if you are smart ,you’ll make some positive changes. and try to make amends for the wrong we have done. this is how I spend my time now. and hopefully God will allow me to come home, so that I can do positive things for my family and the community.I help to facilitate a tailoring class here and a lot of the items we make are donated to the community, for the homeless and the needy. I wish I could do more. I’ll continue in my next blog. part 4 Prison Life by Frank Williams #233-768 2500 south belden rd..Grafton Ohio 44044 ,…to be continued

Frank Williams
DOC #233-768

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