Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Keeping it Positive… Kari Newberry


What a daily struggle that is ….not just for people in prison but people everywhere, especially with all the violence in the world we live in.I can’t help but wonder what this world is coming to.with the latest mast shooting .school shooting ,Las Vegas shooting ,we are just in the most violent times in history …..I can’t help but think some days it all starts with just one negative comment ,how we talk to people ,if we smile at them ,so many times here in prison we are reduced to feeling less than human ,having lost many of our choices ,yet we all still have the choice to chose to be the kind of person others want to be around.I don’t want to turn in to that person that I hate to see come to my door ,some one once said ” you can learn something even from stupid people” surely I can gain something good from all this and I know that I will …hope everyone in bloggerville has a good day……

Karen Newberry
DOC #952642


  1. It’s amazing that you said, “…we are just in the most violent times in history…” I literally just read that this morning. I think we each have an individual responsibility to do our part to promote a more peaceful approach to things.

  2. I’m sorry you feel like we’re in more violent times. We haven some of Satan’s tools helping it seem that way, media be it print, social or on-air means every single act of every single person is out the immediately and over analyzed and beat down 24 hours a day with no time off. It wears one down and makes you feel like things are nonstop, but their not.
    In this great big world there are more people so it’s natural to have more strife. Its what we make of that strife that matters. Faith, hope, love, these are the things we should seek to make a better stronger world. If that means turning off a source of negativity, okay. Focus on what is good and right. You’re on the right path it sounds. My prayers are with you.

  3. Kari, your right…we are living in periolous times!! But also right…..we have choices and if more of us would smile and uplift one another with a kind word, just think of what a difference it could make… you made me smile…it’s contagious 😊😊😊😊🤗🤗

  4. Kari, your right…we are living in periolous times!! But also right…..we have choices and if more of us would smile and uplift one another with a kind word, just think of what a difference it could make… you made me smile…it’s contagious

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