Thursday, April 25, 2024

Lost & Confussed by Chris Davis


Two weeks ago today I lost my mother! She was a God send, always holding me down even when I wasn’t holding myself down.
Now why is it that when someone passes it brings out the best in some and the ugliest in other. Why must others tell you how to grieve when they themselves have never been through anything to grieve about. I am being hit from all side; my family, my ladyfriend, my potnas and it seems that eveyone has forgotten what was lost to us just so many few days ago. I sit here wanting to reach out but reluctant to do so because I don’t want to be dealing with nonsense that others bring. So poeple don’t understand the saying I need some time or I have to do it in my own way. Some people come on too strong while others think you are shutting them out when all you really want is sometime to work through your feelings and emotions the best way you know how your own way!!!! The ones that really get to me are the one who take your moment of grief and try to turn it into their moment of attention seeking. They’ll take your moment and create a situation that makes it all about them whether it’s truth or not. In the end you lose your moment!!!

Christopher Davis
DOC #55187


  1. I’m really sorry- losing my mom is one of the things I’m dreading most. I am similar, I tend to need to be by myself to work through my emotions. Maybe you can reach out when you have processed it a bit.

  2. I lost my mom. 73 days ago. She was my best friend, my touchstone, my NorthStar. We spoke nearly everyday until the end. I feel so lost and my heart aches so badly wishing I could see her and talk again. I’m so very sorry for the loss of your mom. Thank you for sharing this and please know you are not alone.

  3. Grief is a very personal thing. I lost my mom a year ago January. It’s very hard. Allow yourself your own grief in your own way in your own time. Pray for comfort. There is light at the end of the tunnel. You may not see it yet, but it is there. One foot in front of the other, the best you can. You’ll get there. You are in my prayers.

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