Wednesday, April 24, 2024



Thanks/Praise to God

This next article is some more statistics about people who are falsely convicted.

The numbers come from David Love who is a Columnist, in an article he wrote about prosecutors who tamper with evidence.

The National Registry of Exonerations
has a database of 1,200 people who were exonerated, these are numbers from 1989-2014:

Perjury or false accusations was a factor in 53% of those cases.

“Official Misconduct,” which is when a police officer, prosecutor, judge ect. does something wrong, was a factor in 44% of the cases.

And official misconduct happened in 58% of the murder cases & 55% of the nonviolent cases.

Mr. Love says: >”According to a report from the Innocence Project, on the first 255 DNA exoneration cases on the U.S., of the 63 cases involving civil suits or appeals dealing with prosecutorial misconduct, 21% led to reversals, reflecting harmful error (probably an improper judgement by the court).””These findings mirror a study by the Center of Public Integrity, which found that among 11,452 appeals alleging prosecutorial misconduct between 1970 and 2002,
2,012 (17.6%) resulted in reversals or remanded indictments.”” All evidence or information known to the prosecutor that tends to negate the guilt of the accused or mitigates the offense, and, in connection with sentencing, disclose to the defense and to the tribunal (court) all unprivileged mitigating information known to the prosecutor, except when the prosecutor is relieved of this responsibility by a protective order of the tribunal.”<

I have a copy of the whole ABA Standards, anyone can get it for free off the ABA website, or by writing the headquarters in Chicago.

So I would encourage you to read the ABA Standards so you can get a better feel of how prosecutors are SUPPOSED TO DO/EXPECTED TO DO their jobs, versus how they actually do their jobs….

And of the 11,000+ cases only 17.6% were actually taken seriously, that’s a low number.

It goes to show prosecutors can do what they want with no repercussions, that is sad, something has to be done.

Out of the 2,000+ cases only 1 prosecutor named Ken Anderson form Texas has been charged in connection with his actions leading to a false conviction.

I have an article about Ken Anderson, which I plan on posting as part of this series….

Thanks for your time!!!

Jonathan Gordon
DOC #793350

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