Wednesday, April 24, 2024



It never fails. I’ve been in prison for 18 years, and eery single January, on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, I will either overhear or be told directly: “Happy James Earl Ray Day.” (James Earl Ray was MLK’s murderer.) Very nice. Let’s celebrate the cold-blooded murder of a man who dedicated his life to peace and love, using words from the Constitution, one of the greatest Americans who ever lived, the man who made the USA attempt to stand up for the lofty ideals it preached. Great.

But it never fails. And I still have no idea how to try to respond. People believe what they want, and for the most part, it seems like appealing to the facts, or to their humanity, just doesn’t do any good. And I think it’s really a shame, that we have these minds that are so capable of doing good, even great, things, and so many people waste them on ignorance and hate.

Dan Turner
DOC #767569


  1. Yo them people are funny bro, why waste thought on negative fools who don’t try to overstand? Just flash them a smile knowing they know nothing. Or if you cant laugh hold a box and stand up to educate ignorance. Either way choose your path and don’t be swayed by anything other than your own mind. Just smoked a rock of crack so if I am chatting shit just ignore me bruv. PEACE OUT 4 NOW

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